Attorney General Opinions and Advisory Letters

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Opinion No. 47-5025

May 20, 1947

BY: C. C. McCULLOH, Attorney General

TO: Mr. Owen B. Marron, Attorney at Law, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Albuquerque, New Mexico

{*48} In your letter of May 13, 1947 you request the opinion of this office as to whether the Regents of the School of Mines may establish a graduate school in geo-physics at the branch in Albuquerque.

Section 2, Chapter 78, Laws of 1947 provides, in part, as follows:

"The Board of Regents shall have power * * * to establish and operate branches of such school in such place or places in the State of New Mexico as may be designated by said board. * * * Provided that the primary functions for which said school was established shall be performed at Socorro only."

By that section, the Legislature specifically provided that the Board of Regents of the School of Mines may establish and operate branches of said school in such places in New Mexico as the Board may determine.

{*49} I do not believe that establishing such a branch at Albuquerque would in any way conflict with the provision of the same section, which provides that the primary functions for which the school was established shall be performed at Socorro only.

The primary functions for which the School of Mines was established will still be performed at Socorro, notwithstanding the fact that the school might establish and operate a graduate school in geo-physics at the branch in Albuquerque.


Asst. Atty. General

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.