Attorney General Opinions and Advisory Letters

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Opinion No. 19-2327

July 15, 1919

BY: O. O. ASKREN, Attorney General

TO: Mr. E. D. Armijo, Taos, New Mexico.

Public Printing In and By Public Newspaper.


In reply to your letter of July 12, advise that under Section 1234, Code of 1915, it would seem that all county officials should have their printing done with the printer chosen by the County Commissioners. However, Chapter 58, Laws 1915, evidently has repealed Section 1234 so far as the publication of delinquent tax lists is concerned.

I am of the opinion that the treasurer may contract independently of the commissioners with some newspaper whether such paper is the official paper or not. This view of the law is supported by the weight of authority on the subject. However, I cannot see why the treasurer should fail to publish the lists with the county official newspaper.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.