Attorney General Opinions and Advisory Letters

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Opinion No. 20-2506

March 4, 1920

BY: HARRY S. BOWMAN, Assistant Attorney General

TO: Mr. E. E. Baca, Probate Judge, Socorro, New Mexico.

Each Appraiser of Decedents' Estates to Receive 50c Per Hundred Dollars of Estate Appraised.


In reply to your letter of March second requesting an opinion from this office regarding the construction to be placed on Section 2251, Code of 1915, in regard to fees to be received by appraisers of estates of deceased persons, wish to advise you that in our opinion, your interpretation of this section is correct, and that each appraiser is entitled to the sum of fifty cents for every hundred dollars of property appraised. We are of the opinion that if it had been intended that the fee of fifty cents should be the entire appraiser's fee to be charged, that the language would have been so worded specifically. The use of the words "appraisers shall receive" would indicate that it was the intention that each appraiser should be paid the sum of fifty cents per hundred dollars for the property appraised.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.