Attorney General Opinions and Advisory Letters

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Opinion No. 20-2624

June 26, 1920

BY: O. O. ASKREN, Attorney General

TO: Mr. Charles Springer, Raton, New Mexico.

Mercantile Establishments Carrying on Banking Business.


Replying to your letter of June 24th concerning the banking department of the Blossburg Mercantile Company, advise that I am of the opinion Section 9, Chapter 67, Session Laws of 1915 repeals and removes the restrictions placed on corporations as to population in Section 457 Compiled Laws of 1915. In other words, I am of the opinion that any corporation is authorized to carry on a banking business in connection with its other business, provided it complies with the provisions of Chapter 67, Session Laws of 1915, regardless of the population of the village or town where such banking business is operated.

With kind personal regards, I am

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.