Attorney General Opinions and Advisory Letters

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Opinion No. [30-90]

April 21, 1930

BY: J. A. MILLER, Assistant Attorney General

TO: Eliseo Barela, President, Grants Union High School Board, Grants, New Mexico.

SCHOOLS -- § 120-1004, Code 1929. Tenure of office of delegated member of union high school board.


In answer to yours of the 19th inst. in which you ask for an interpretation of section 1004 of the School Code as to the tenure of office of the delegated member of the Union High School Board, you are advised that under the conditions set forth in your letter, we are of the opinion that a delegated member of that board will continue in office until the board of directors delegating him shall see fit to cancel such appointment and appoint another.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.